More wraparound services in Plymouth to help you balance family and work.
Wraparound expansion in Plymouth
Money is coming to Plymouth to expand access to wraparound childcare, including breakfast clubs and after school clubs.
School-based wraparound care
Most schools offer a ‘breakfast club’ childcare setting from 8am. With grants being made available, more schools will be offering after school childcare until 6pm, Providing wraparound childcare from 8am to 6pm.
Contact to your school’s trust to discuss the their wraparound childcare offer.
Where to find wraparound childcare in Plymouth
Along with contacting your school, you can find a comprehensive list of childcare services including breakfast clubs and after school clubs on the Plymouth Family Information Directory.
Tax Free Childcare Account
The Government’s Tax Free Childcare scheme aims to make all childcare more affordable. Once you’ve applied for a Tax Free Childcare account, for every £8 deposited into it the Government will top-up your account with a £2 contribution. You can then pay your OFSTED-registered childcare provider directly from your Tax Free Childcare account.
To apply for you’re Tax Free Childcare account, visit Childcare Choices and follow links to ‘Tax Free Childcare’.
More information on Childcare in Plymouth
For detailed information on the childcare offering in Plymouth visit Plymouth Childcare Information
If you have a question related to your childcare entitlement or the childcare services available in Plymouth you’ll find a link to the contact form at the top of the page to contact the Council’s Early Years and Childcare team directly.